Welcome to our blog.

This is our new Mother-Son blog. I am Donna, (Mom), and Lucas is my 13 year old 7th grader. We both love to read and decided to create this blog to write about the books we enjoy. Lucas is very interested in science cannot wait to share his insights about the books he's reading and 7th grade.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jodie Brownlee is the author of amazing books:
(from Goodreads)
Ruby’s mouth was open in a silent scream. She dared to look down as the roofs and treetops dropped away. People walking their dogs in the park shrank to the size of ants. Panic struck her numb.

Ruby is flying! A magic carpet (with attitude) takes her on the adventure of her life to a magical oasis. But a bold misadventure through an underground labyrinth has Ruby andher friends wanted by those in charge. Genies, sand sprites, spells, and dungeons will test all of her powers – including the ones she still doesn’t know she has.

Released by Scholastic to critical acclaim in Australia and New Zealand, then translated and published in Italy by Edizione Piemme, The Magic Carpet is now available worldwide.

A book for ages 9 and up

(from Amazon.com)

Product Description

“I hardly think that's a laughing matter,” snapped Mrs Pinkus, bustling past the telescope to the attic door. “You haven't heard the end of this. There are laws against abducting people, you know. And as for this – this – magical paraphernalia,” she said, shaking a finger at the telescope. “It shouldn't be allowed. Not in this neighborhood. Not near my house.” She stared coldly at Granny. “I won't have witches living next door to me.”
Granny smiled. “I'm not a witch, Mrs Pinkus; I'm a genie.”

Granny McQuirky uses the traveler's telescope to teleport into another world. While she is away, Ruby's house-proud mother gives the telescope a polish and knocks the settings out. Ruby and her friends try to put it right, but accidentally zap Mrs Pinkus and her poodle into the other world. When they follow to retrieve her, they bring back more than they bargained for unleashing a threat to the genie world. Granny McQuirky is accused of the resulting crimes. If Ruby and her friends don't find the real criminal, Granny will be sentenced to life in a bottle. At every turn, a mysterious enemy threatens Ruby's life.

Her books are great.  We read the first book-The Magic Carpet and loved it.  Can't wait for The Travelers Telescope.

1 comment:

  1. I have never heard of this series- but it is right up my alley! I will have to get out and get the first one once this snow storm is over!

